learn Hebrew
Our Lecturers:



Dr. Frank Seekins (Ancient Hebrew, Word Pictures).

Dr. Frank Seekins is an international speaker, best selling author and the founder of the modern study of the ancient Hebrew Word Pictures. Dr. Seekins has been teaching for years for "The Dead Sea Scrolls" seminars nationwide. As a Family and Marriage counselor, he has incorporated this knowledge into both a Hebrew Word Picture seminar as well as Marriage and Family semi nar. His latest teaching, and newest seminar is on the Ten Realities, which puts the Ten Commandments into a life changing format that the modern American can understand and live. He is available for lectures and full seminars both in the Phoenix area, and worldwide.



Rabbi Dr. Amnon Shor (Hebrew and Jewish Roots).

Rabbi Dr. Amnon Shor is a Messianic congregation leader in Southern California and an internationally renowned speaker. Dr. Shor was serving as the Israel liaison for the Promise Keepers movement. He has been teaching Hebrew / Jewish Roots classes and seminars around the world. Dr. Shor has recently taught the first Hebrew / Jewish seminar to over 1000 participants in China. Dr. Shor is available for seminars, lectures and special 4-hour Hebrew crash courses. in which you will learn basic Hebrew at a guaranteed 50% proficiency within this short time.


To schedule a lecture or a seminar for your organization or congregation please
contact us by phone:
e-mail: Hebrew 1
8485 East McDonald Drive, Suite 350
Scottsdale, Arizona 85250
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